Damian Angel: “Life Goes On” shows a sensitive side!Hailing from Johannesburg – born in Vryheid and raised in Boksburg – Damian Angel is an RnB artist that blends cutting-edge hip hop into his style. Now out through Dove Angel Records, Damian has released the single “Life Goes On”. In a genre where keeping it 100 percent is a must, Damian can convincingly put on many faces. But he isn’t an anomaly; he’s the center of the zeitgeist. He’s a main attraction in an age where the genres core demographic can readily put on images thanks to today’s digital luxuries.
“Life Goes On” finds Damian Angel keeping it real in that regard. The song turns within itself, as a soulful electric guitar-driven love ballad ballad turns into an urban farewell anthem, but Damian never loses footing on top of the shifting sound-bed. This brings forth one of his best performances. Damian resonates; he transfixes his audience. That skill is omnipresent in “Life Goes On”.