RaH: Photo credit: Zac Evan
RaH TwoFive discusses working with music internet star Zay Hilfigerrr, plus also gives valuable advice to other singers on dealing with critics and haters.
— Rah TwoFive
MALIBU, CALIFORNIA, USA, November 20, 2018 /EINPresswire.com/ — Zay Hilfigerrr (Juju on That Beat fame) and Raps Rising new Star RahTwoFive released a hot new song and music video, “Fire,” this month. RaH TwoFive discusses here below working with music internet star Zay Hilfigerrr, and also gives advice to other singers on dealing with critics and haters.
Viral Video Star Zay Hilfigerrr and Hip Hop Star Favorite RahTwoFive joined forces this month to create a brand new song and music video called ‘Fire,’ shot on location in Hollywood and Beverly Hills, California, seen here below. Drawing a large crowd in Hollywood during the shoot, RaH mentions that during the Beverly Hills part of the shoot, the Beverly Hills police caught them shooting in the middle of the night, but instead of busting them, just gave them a thumbs up!”
The Los Angeles based singer known on Instagram as RahTwoFive, or otherwise simply known as RaH, racked up over a half-million new plays and growing, on the leading music streaming site SoundCloud. He has also recently launched an exciting new crowdfunding campaign, incorporating his official new fan club, at Patreon, seen below.
As noted earlier on News Blaze and ABC News; “Zay Hilfigerrr, hailing from Detroit Michigan, was reportedly one of Instagram’s earlier adopters of a “shout out for shout out.” Growing from 10,000 followers to 20,000 and beyond, Zay’s early dance videos started blowing up online, during which he began performing at parties and doing meet-ups with other well known musicians in the city. When Hilfigerrr’s song “Juju on that Beat” broke a million streams, numerous companies reportedly started coming to him and the song’s co-artist Zayion, wanting to learn more about the song and the two artists. Reportedly a month and a half later, the song hit 9 million views on You Tube, then attracting the attention of Atlantic Records who decided to represent the new hit. With that song now having racked up a stunning 366 million streams and growing, the now legendary online success of Zay Hilfigerrr is easily complimented by his talent as a rapper and hip hop dancer.”
Joining forces, Zay Hilfigerrr and Hip Hop’s favorite new rising star; the talented RahTwoFive was an obvious match. They both write, rap, dance, are in to fashion, and are both from Detroit, now transplanted to the entertainment capitol of the world–Hollywood.
Rah Gave an Exclusive Interview to The Hollywood Sentinel discussing what it was like working with internet star, among more, as seen here partly below:
Hollywood Sentinel: What was it like working with Zay Hilfigerrr?
RaH TwoFive: It was cool. He’s a fun, energetic character. He was just at my studio was I was making the song, and I told him to hop on the verses. He actually recorded his verses for “Fire” on Instagram live. After we made the song, we were both excited and knew it would be a hit. He called his manager and played the song over the phone for him. We still plan on doing a bigger release for the song in the next few months. Two days after recording the song, we decided to shoot a video on the fly. We just pulled up in West Hollywood and Beverly Hills to a few locations, and it ended up coming out dope! It was a fun experience overall. I love turning stuff from an idea to fruition fast like that.
Hollywood Sentinel: That’s great. What are you working on next?
RaH TwoFive: I just made a new song this morning. I’m always making new records. Although I was planning on releasing singles for a while. I really want to work on a project. I feel like I can be more creative with a body of work; forming a story and making some more personal songs.
Hollywood Sentinel: That’s great. What is your advice to people starting out in the music industry in dealing with critics or haters?
RaH TwoFive: Take criticism. Listen to everything. Let stuff that you don’t agree bounce off you. If it’s too negative, block it literally. Just never let it lower your self-confidence. Everyone has an opinion. Some people are just jealous.
Ready to dominate not only America, but also the massive Indian Bollywood market, Europe, and the rest of the world as well, RaHtwoFive–with a fashion model look–speaks and sings in fluent English. Of Indian origin, RaH also can speak fluent Hindi, Punjabi, and even some Spanish.
Advising other artists as his success grows, RaH encourages other singers and musicians, “Don’t give up! Continuously perfect your craft by fixing your weak points. Believe in yourself more than anyone else, and know inside that one-hundred-percent for sure, you will reach your goals!”
Further, maintaining his positive mindset, RaH says he is “intent on creating an immense, positive impact on the world through heart-changing art.” He credits his hope and faith with keeping him grounded, and optimistic. He reveals; “If I didn’t stay positive, there would be no hope. I feel my mission is to help lessen the division that exists in America and the world, and lessen this negativity on Earth, to really help people see and feel real love.”
RaH adds, “I can’t wait for you all to hear and see my new songs and see my videos including Fire. We had a lot of fun making this. You can stay up to date on my Instagram, which will feature news of all the new releases. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do! I love creating and sharing with you, and thank you for believing in me!”
Follow RaH on his Official Instagram here below:
Visit RaH’s Official SoundCloud here below:
Visit RaH’s Official Patreon here below:
Watch Rah’s Official Music Video Fire with Zay Hilfigerr, here below:
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Hollywood Sentinel Public Relations
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Rah TwoFive with Zay Hilfigerr; Fire, Official Video
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