‘Legend Blu’ is a globally rising rapper based in the San Francisco Bay area.
The up and coming hip-hop rapper ‘Legend Blu ‘ has been spitting to fans for years and now drops his latest single ‘Feel’.
Legend Blu is committed to giving further access to his creative style and bases his music on the vibrations of the new hip-hop school.
Legend Blu loves hip-hop and everything that has to do with it, and he fully proves it with his latest single Feel.
The new single ‘Feel’ from Legend Blu showcases a cross-section of his overall creative vision.
With a radical but dreamy hip-hop vibe, Legend Blu’ spits efficient bars and rhymes with a dark edge that touches on real life issues.
The beat driven single ‘Feel’ is “pungent in the highs, and vehemently fat in the low range” say global press as ‘Legend Blu’ sets up a mix of rhymes, repetitive cycles and lead vocals with a subdued aesthetic, perfectly underlining the theme of the song, clearly suggested by the title itself.
MHBOX NEW HIP-HOP STARS OF 2020: “You left me so alone” spits radical San Farncisco rapper, ‘Legend Blu’ who delivers an enchanting, real life, Trap story on the entrancing ‘Feel’ – MHBOX Musichitbox UK, Sydney Patterson, Rap editor.
Here he looks capable to find the right (un)balance, in the dystonia between the impact of the beat in the background and his mellifluous flow, which slips away and bounces on the pulsing crests of the bass line, blown in with ease in a track that is at least characteristic.
If you are looking for one of the new directions in which the hip-hop of tomorrow could go, Feel is undoubtedly something for your playlist!
‘Feel’ is the latest single from Legend Blu.
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/0vJG9DfKxoaSzb7g7pBhvy?si=z82rf_6WRaePS0CGlLgRww
Instagram: https://instagram.com/legendblu?igshid=crull3thbyc
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